Calling all flight enthusiasts! The following airlines and airports service the destinations under Sodha Travel's umbrella. Can you match the airline and airport with its respective code? Good luck! (The answers are provided below.)
Airline Codes
1. EK A. Korean Air
2. UA B. Jet Airways
3. CX C. Emirates
4. 6E D. British Airways
5. 9W E. United
6. AI F. Fly Dubai
7. KE G. IndiGo
8. BA H. Air India
9. FZ I. Etihad
10. EY J. Cathay Pacific
Airport Codes
1. MAA A. Kolkata
2. KTM B. Cochin
3. CMB C. Pokhara
4. MLE D. Dubai
5. BOM E. Kathmandu
6. CCU F. Male
7. DXB G. Chennai
8. IXM H. Mumbai
9. PKR I. Colombo
10. COK J. Madurai
Answers - Airline Codes: 1-C, 2-E, 3-J, 4-G, 5-B, 6-H, 7-A, 8-D, 9-F, 10-I
Answers - Airport Codes: 1-G, 2-E, 3-I, 4-F, 5-H, 6-A, 7-D, 8-J, 9-C, 10-B