Announcing the Winner of the Sodha Travel India Day Giveaway...

Allison Sodha

Congratulations to Chloe from Portland, Oregon! She was the winner of our 6 day/5 night deluxe touring package of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur that Sodha Travel offered at India Day.

After calling Chloe with the good news, I asked her a few questions about the upcoming trip:

Congratulations! How do you feel about winning the tour?

I am so surprised and grateful to have won this trip!

Why do you want to visit India?

I want to visit India because it comprises such a huge part of the world, and I have never been to that side of the globe. I am excited to experience a new culture with such a long and rich history.

This trip is for two guests. Who will be your lucky travel companion?

I do not know yet who will be traveling with me, but I am hoping it will be my Dad.

What are you most looking forward to experiencing in India?

I am most looking forward to experiencing the mix of old and new architecture, seeing some music and dancing, and of course elephants!


We are very excited for you, Chloe, and look forward to hosting your trip! Our next giveaway will be a trip to Nepal, so be sure to connect with Sodha Travel on Social Media to learn more!

Taj Mahal, Agra Taj Mahal, Agra



Topics: India, Agra, Delhi

Allison Sodha

Written by Allison Sodha

As the President of Sodha Travel and author of Go! Girl Guides India, Allison has spent almost two decades exploring South Asia. She has a passion for creating experiences fueled by a deeper understanding of local communities.