Happy 12th Anniversary, Sodha Travel! As South Asia Destination Specialists, it has been a joy to create custom tours and introduce immersive experiences across the region. In June 2007, Sodha Travel started with a few teams in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Now we have 11+ teams across South Asia, including UAE, Bhutan, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
It all started with our first client, Susan. Susan booked a trip with us to Nepal, and we reserved a meditation retreat at Kopan Monastery. Susan shares, "I started my world solo travel when I was in my 50's. After raising a family and enjoying a full career, I found that solo travel filled my soul and I could change my mind and plans without a discussion." Since Nepal, Sodha Travel worked with Susan on two more itineraries in India and Bhutan, respectively.
Here Susan shares her travel experiences both with Sodha Travel and beyond:
Whenever I want to travel to a country that has a different language, I will find a volunteer organization in country and start exploring that countries language, customs and how to get around with the help of the local contacts. The NGOs already have the system in place. Once the volunteer project is completed I like to add on my solo adventures and that is where Sodha Travel has made adventure so easy.
Allison always talks with me about the goals I want from the travel, the experiences I hope to have, and my comfort level of adventure.
Sodha Travel set up my first time in Nepal with a wonderful stay in Kopan Monastery providing me with a restful meditation retreat prior to meeting up with a volunteer group in Kathmandu. A wonderful way to ease into the time zone, rest from travel and be ready to handle any situation I might come across.
Sodha Travel is my go-to for travel in South Asia, so many directions to go and Allison knows how to design a trip just for your adventure style whether 5 stars stays or more local flavor. Their team always made sure I had a contact in the area if I needed assistance.
Sometimes when I travel, situations arise that are “growth opportunities” and Allison came to my rescue during a trip she had arranged to Bhutan. Flying from Japan to Bangkok, I became the in-flight medical emergency and all plans changed. My travel companion from El Salvador was to meet me in Bangkok then we would fly to Bhutan. My aliment was all quite fixable and I had wonderful treatment in the 5 star hospital and my travel companion was able to stay in the same hospital on a floor just for traveling family and friends of those in the hospital. The next day I was released from the hospital. Allison found us a hotel to stay in while I recovered and rebooked all of our Bhutan travel. Amazing travel service and wonderful travel insurance!
World travel and Sodha Travel are a part of my life adventure and I encourage everyone who will listen to use their passport and live life. When traveling alone I find I always meet more independent travelers who become friends and future travel mates while locals are more likely to start conversations, even if it is just to practice English. One of my nicest memories was in Bhutan, while staying in a local’s home, I went for a walk and sat for a while under a tree and pulled out my knitting. I always carry a small hand craft with me and pictures of my family. Shortly after, three young people came by, asked what I was making and could they chat. They were on the way to do an errand for their Mother and would like to come back after. Always new friends to meet and share all the things we have in common.
The world gets smaller and smaller as we all become ambassadors.
One of Sodha Travel's core philosophies is to create relationships, not transactions. We thank you, Susan, and ALL our Sodha Travelers for the past 12 years. Let the journey continue!