Sodha Travel is delighted to be the preferred travel company for two U.S. adoption organizations. Our team coordinates the travel logistics for families adopting children from India, including internal transportation, lodging, and customized family trips.
Debra Dreyer is the India Program Specialist at Children's Home Society & Family Services. I recently asked her a few questions regarding the process and expectations for families adopting children from India:

What is the biggest challenge for families adopting children from India?
There are so many unknown time frames for the adoption process in every aspect - the wait for the referral, the wait from referral until the no objection certificate from the Central Adoption Resource Authority, and the wait for the court process to be completed.
If you could offer one piece of advice to families adopting children from India, as it pertains to the adoption process, what would it be?
Any family adopting from India should understand that the process can change at any time, so flexibility and patience are key.
If you could offer one piece of advice to families adopting children from India, as it pertains to traveling to the country, what would it be?
You are a guest in another country. Please understand that expectations are not the same as in the West. Show patience and restraint.
What information is most relevant to prospective families adopting children from India?
After the potential delays and frustrations, if you are successful and a child comes into your family, it will all have been worth it.
If you are interested in more information about adoption travel, please contact our Sodha Travel Destination Specialists.